Monday, April 15, 2013

Functions for sum of directory or file size

# file
function file.sum($x) {
rv -ea 0 total;
foreach ($i in ((ls $x -Force) | Select Length)) {[int64]$total+=$i[0].Length};
$total /1MB;

function dir.sum {
rv -ea 0 total;
foreach ($i in ((ls -Force) | Select Length)) {[int64]$total+=$i[0].Length};
$total /1GB;

#dir recurse
# really chews through memory for directories of any size
function dir.sum.recurse {
rv -ea 0 total;
foreach ($i in ((ls -Force -Recurse) | Select Length)) {[int64]$total+=$i[0].Length};
$total /1GB;

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