You can do this:
((get-counter -counter '\\rmfvpc\TCPv4\Connections Established').countersamples) | % {$_.CookedValue}
and this:
(get-counter -counter '\\rmfvpc\TCPv4\Connections Established').Readings | findstr ^[0-9]
and this:
(get-counter -counter '\\rmfvpc\TCPv4\Connections Established' -continuous -sampleinterval 2)
but you can't do this:
(get-counter -counter '\\rmfvpc\TCPv4\Connections Established' -continuous -sampleinterval 2).countersamples
or this:
(get-counter -counter '\\rmfvpc\TCPv4\Connections Established' -continuous -sampleinterval 2).Readings
or this:
[array]$a=(get-counter -counter '\\rmfvpc\TCPv4\Connections Established' -continuous -sampleinterval 2)
Therefore I ended up with this (which works):
while($true) {foreach ($i in (get-counter -counter '\\rmfvpc\TCPv4\Connections Established')) {$i.Readings | findstr ^[0-9]};sleep -seconds 2}
or this:
while($true) {foreach ($i in (get-counter -counter '\\rmfvpc\TCPv4\Connections Established')) {$i.countersamples | % {$_.CookedValue}};sleep -seconds 2}
and one these (which also works):
while($true) {[array]$b+=foreach ($i in (get-counter -counter '\\rmfvpc\TCPv4\Connections Established').countersamples) {$i | % {$_.CookedValue}};sleep -seconds 2}
while($true) {[array]$b+=foreach ($i in (get-counter -counter '\\rmfvpc\TCPv4\Connections Established')) {$i.Readings | findstr ^[0-9]};sleep -seconds 2}
But it all seems just a little ungainly! Here's how I got there:
get-counter -ListSet * | findstr "CounterSetName" | Sort
CounterSetName : .NET CLR Data
CounterSetName : .NET Memory Cache 4.0
CounterSetName : ASP.NET v4.0.30319
CounterSetName : Authorization Manager Applications
CounterSetName : Browser
CounterSetName : Cache
CounterSetName : Database
(get-counter -ListSet Memory).Counter | Sort
\Memory\% Committed Bytes In Use
\Memory\Available Bytes
\Memory\Available KBytes
\Memory\Free & Zero Page List Bytes
\Memory\Free System Page Table Entries
\Memory\Modified Page List Bytes
(get-counter -ListSet 'TCPv4').Paths | Sort
\TCPv4\Connection Failures
\TCPv4\Connections Active
\TCPv4\Connections Established
\TCPv4\Connections Passive
\TCPv4\Connections Reset
\TCPv4\Segments Received/sec
\TCPv4\Segments Retransmitted/sec
\TCPv4\Segments Sent/sec
get-counter -counter '\\rmfvpc\TCPv4\Connections Established' -continuous -sampleinterval 10
Timestamp CounterSamples
--------- --------------
8/24/2011 10:36:24 AM \\rmfvpc\tcpv4\connections established :
8/24/2011 10:36:34 AM \\rmfvpc\tcpv4\connections established :
Update 08/30/2011:
This one liner:
while($true) {foreach ($i in (get-counter -counter '\\rmfvpc\TCPv4\Connections Established')) {write-host -backgroundcolor red "$($i.countersamples | % {$_.CookedValue}) Established Connections"};sleep -seconds 2;clear}
produces a nice flashing update of the number of TCPv4 connections. Looks like this:
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