Below is an example of the (clumsy) scripting workaround I will use because I always have a difficult time getting 'add-member' to work with membertype ScriptMethod. What I want here is WS, PM, VM for each current process, but also the differences (e.g. VM - PM, PM - WS):
Function CurrentMem {
ps * | Select Name, ID,`
@{Name='PriMemMB';Expression={[INT](($_.PrivateMemorySize64)/1MB)}}, `
$Memory | Sort -desc VirMemMB |
Select *, @{Name='VM-PM';Expression={[INT]($_.VirMemMB - $_.PriMemMB)}}, `
@{Name='PM-WS';Expression={[INT]($_.PriMemMB - $_.WS_MB)}}
So then I have:
PS C:\> $CurrentMem=CurrentMem
PS C:\> ($CurrentMem | sort -desc VM-PM)[0..10] | ft -auto
---- -- ----- -------- -------- ----- -----
powershell 7300 74 66 608 542 -8
powershell 5408 3 63 603 540 60
svchost 536 39 39 575 536 0
chrome 4748 192 194 658 464 2
bash 6348 0 8 451 443 8
powershell 1536 176 185 620 435 9
syslogd 2112 1 5 432 427 4
cygrunsrv 1948 0 6 427 421 6
chrome 2956 265 323 742 419 58
taskhost 3896 6 15 394 379 9
svchost 1288 23 26 386 360 3
A more advanced version allows for a more granular look at processes:
Function Get-CM {
ps * | Select Name, ID, Company, HandleCount,`
$Memory | Sort -desc VirMem64MB |
Select *, @{Name='VMem-PMem.MB';Expression={[LONG]($_.VirMem64MB - $_.PriMem64MB)}},`
@{Name='PMem-NPMem.MB';Expression={[LONG](($_.PMS64Bytes - $_.NPMS64Bytes)/1MB)}},`
@{Name='PriMem-WorkSet.MB';Expression={[LONG]($_.PriMem64MB - $_.WorkSetMB)}}
PS C:\ps1> get-cm | where HandleCount -gt 500 | sort -desc PMS64Bytes | fl *
Name : chrome
Id : 6636
Company : The Chromium Authors
HandleCount : 2769
WorkSetMB : 180
PMS64Bytes : 268677120
NPMS64Bytes : 141712
PriMem64MB : 256
VirMem64MB : 672
VMem-PMem.MB : 416
PMem-NPMem.MB : 256
PriMem-WorkSet.MB : 76
Name : chrome
Id : 3532
Company : The Chromium Authors
HandleCount : 796
WorkSetMB : 63
PMS64Bytes : 220286976
NPMS64Bytes : 69632
PriMem64MB : 210
VirMem64MB : 699
VMem-PMem.MB : 489
PMem-NPMem.MB : 210
PriMem-WorkSet.MB : 147
Name : svchost
Id : 456
Company : Microsoft Corporation
HandleCount : 727
WorkSetMB : 137
PMS64Bytes : 162627584
NPMS64Bytes : 31784
PriMem64MB : 155
VirMem64MB : 315
VMem-PMem.MB : 160
PMem-NPMem.MB : 155
PriMem-WorkSet.MB : 18
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