'Test-Connection' is Powershell V2's GWMI-based icmp test cmdlet that returns considerable amounts of information in object format. 'Test-Connection' also has the ability to authenticate (at various levels) to the computer whose ICMP responses it is testing, but I do not discuss that in this post. 'Test-Connection' can return a number of errors, which I found difficult to trap, throw, or try-catch-finally. So, like some others (1,2), I punted on error-trapping with:
[string] $ErrorActionPreference="silentlycontinue" (Yea, I know...what a wimp...)
Although, 'Test-Connection' is slower than System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping will probably ever be, it does return considerable amounts of useful information. Below is the function 'Ping-IP' with the returned object and some statistical results from 'measure-object'. I've created a hash table and renamed six of the properties. Notice how I can use 'Test-Connection' to check for IPv4 and IPv6 connections simultaneously (if you have an existing IPv6 interface).
function global:Ping-IP
[int32] $buffersize=8,
[int32] $count=1,
[string] $ErrorActionPreference="silentlycontinue"
$global:result= Test-connection -computername $computername -buffersize $buffersize -count $count
$global:ICMP_out = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
IPv4 = $result.IPv4Address.IPAddressToString
IPv6 = $result.IPv6Address.IPAddressToString
BytesSent = $result.BufferSize
BytesReturned = $result.ReplySize
ResponseTime = $result.ResponseTime
ReplyInc = $result.ReplyInconsistency
} | Select-Object IPv4,IPv6,BytesSent,BytesReturned,Responsetime,ReplyInc
if ($result -ne $null) {$ICMP_out}
First I create a partial subnet range to ping, pipe the function output ("ping-ip") to a variable and then sort the output by response time:
$IPRange=0..50 | %{"74.125.127.$_"}
$result=$IPRange | % {Ping-IP $_}
$result | Sort Responsetime -Descending | ft
IPv4 IPv6 BytesSent BytesReturned ResponseTime ReplyInc
---- ---- --------- ------------- ------------ -------- 8 18 115 True 8 18 80 True 8 18 80 True 8 18 74 True 8 18 68 True 8 18 67 True 8 18 66 True 8 18 61 True 8 18 43 True 8 18 40 True 8 18 34 True 8 18 31 True
Next, I can easily measure the "Responsetime" of my 'Test-Connection' queries with 'measure-object' :
$result | Measure-Object -Average -Maximum -Minimum -Sum -Property Responsetime
Count : 28
Average : 40.7857142857143
Sum : 1142
Maximum : 115
Minimum : 19
Property : ResponseTime
There are considerable more statistics and graphing output that could be done with this function with log-parser, and/or a Powershell statistics package and/or csv exports to spreadsheet software. Creating a more robust function will involve more sophisticated error-trapping and or the use of the background jobs. To be continued...
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