# 'ping-multiple_subnets.ps1'
# All Rights Reserved Ryan M. Ferris r.10:34 PM 1/7/2011
# Powershell V2 functions to ping multiple-subnets
# Consists of three functions: (ping-subnet, ping-ip , ping-multi)
# ping-subnet : .NET $ping.send - a single (simple) eight byte ICMP packet
# ping-ip : WMI 'test-connection' - a single (wmi info) eight byte ICMP packet
# ping-multi : wrapper function
# first create multiple Class C ranges: e.g.:
# $IPRange = 0..5 | %{"192.168.$_"}
# use 'ping-multi' to discover them: e.g.:
# $IPRange | % {ping-multi $_}
# The .NET $ping.send is much faster than WMI although 'test-connection' returns more
# information and can be configured to do authentication and impersonation
# Essentially, 'ping-subnet' does discovery that it pumps to 'ping-ip' which
# creates csv files named per subnet per pass.
function global:Ping-Subnet
[array] $subnet=@(0..254),
[int32] $buffersize=8,
[Int32] $timeout=10,
[Int32] $TTL=128,
[bool] $fragment=$false,
$ping = new-object System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping
$pingoptions = new-object System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingOptions
$Global:SNIPs=( $subnet | % -process {$Ping.Send("$Network.$_", $timeout, $buffersize, $PingOptions)} |
where {$_.Status -eq "Success"})
$Global:IPs= $SNIPs | % {$_.Address.IPAddressToString}
function global:Ping-ip
[int32] $buffersize=8,
[int32] $count=1,
[Int32] $TimeToLive=128,
[Int32] $Delay=1,
[string] $ErrorActionPreference="silentlycontinue"
$global:result= Test-connection -computername $computername `
-buffersize $buffersize `
-count $count `
-TimeToLive $TimeToLive `
-Delay $Delay
$global:icmp_out = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
IPv4 = $result.IPv4Address.IPAddressToString
IPv6 = $result.IPv6Address.IPAddressToString
BytesSent = $result.BufferSize
BytesReturned = $result.ReplySize
ResponseTime = $result.ResponseTime
ReplyInc = $result.ReplyInconsistency
} | Select-Object IPv4,IPv6,BytesSent,BytesReturned,Responsetime,ReplyInc
if ($icmp_out -ne $null)
{$ICMP_out | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation | out-file -width 120 -append -NoClobber (write "$3OCT.csv")}
function ping-multi
[string] $Global:3OCT
$3OCT | % {ping-subnet $_}
$IPs | % {ping-ip $_}
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